What i've done

~ varita
Time for a long update!
26th August:
I went out with the fencing gang to watch The Proposal! There were 11 of us: Caleb, Nicole, Priscilla, Wen Rui, Kenneth, Grace, Niko, Daphne, Dominic and Tudor. And me yay. Initial plan was to have brunch, but suddenly the idea of a movie popped up.
So we headed to Plaza Sing, after finding out that that's the only place with the movie at 11.20am! We made a lot of noise on the bus, they're probably gonna sue us.
Not that it really bothers me... anyway, we all rushed to get the tickets. It was already 11.20am, but we had 15 minutes before the movie really starts. Thus, we split up and went to buy our lunch!
Caleb, Nicole, Priscilla and me went to Burger King. Surprisingly I could stuff the lunch set into my bag o.o
Everyone of us sneaked food in.
We got caught, FYI. By this lady who said she could smell our food -.-" I think it's just that Tudor was eating a six-inch long subway sandwich, and Niko and Daphne were eating rice!

The Proposal was freaking awesome! :D I have to agree their love was not developed enough, but the movie was highly entertaining! Good mixture of romance and comedy.
Here's a quote:
Margaret: I am not getting in that boat!
Andrew: Fine, see you in three days.
Margaret: You know I can't swim!
Andrew: Hence... the *boat*.
It was hilarious, i don't really give a shit about what the reviewers think! Honestly the movie is just meant to touch your hearts and make you LOL like nobody's business. Talking about that, I sat in between Wen Rui and Caleb. Wen Rui was relatively quiet throughout, while Caleb kept laughing and making comments.
Two different worlds.
Afterwards, we made up some excuse about the bus breaking down, because we were late for training! We even called Justin to tell him that. The coach wanted photo proof. It was so obvious that we were lying!
I'll miss the fencing peeps. Will only be seeing all of them again in November ._.
After training, I rushed to meet ST and we went to visit Debby to surprise her! But we failed! At first we got the unit number wrong and got lost -.-" But when we finally found the correct door, she wasn't in! :( So we had to pass the present to her mom.
The present was a bikini. Ftw.
Random: guys may be simple-minded, but they certainly confuse me.
Moving on!
29th August:
the Picnic Gang except LY went to the beach! Yayness!
It was a belated celebration for Debby! She wore her bikini!
We met lots of pervs there when we (me, debbs, st) took a walk. I rolled my eyes at one of the guys, and Debby wanted to flash her camera at another one. She's the one attracting the most attention!
Ruo Nan left halfway boo.
SIDENOTE: I want to give Ruo Nan a super belated thanks for helping me with my GP essay! :) HAha. You rock.
Oh, and my brother, for looking out for me :)
31st August:
I pon-ed school today, so that I could return to BBSS.
Went to 'consult' doctor, and ended up paying a consultation fee of $14 plus $4.20 worth of medicine I didn't need! That's when I remembered that being a non-singaporean, I don't have the privilege of getting these services cheap.
So I returned home and received a brief scolding from my mom. After that things went back to normal, she just warned me to never do it again, complained that I should've faked cold because she needed cold medicine, and said after I finish paying the bill (i could only pay 10 bucks first), I should hand her the recipe so she can try to claim from the company. HAHA. I know she isn't that mad at me because she knows I know that she knows that I know that my dad knows that she knows that I know that when she was young, she's played truancy before. And my dad was a bad boy too, so he forgave me quickly.
Budden later that day, I reflected on all the wrong things I did today. Wrong things I did for reasons I deem to be right.
It certainly wasn't a wise decision, the consequence was more bad than good. Like, abandoning my PW group =/ I FEEL SO GUILT-WRECKED. But for that while, I seem to have followed my heart and lived my life the way I wanted it to be, living in the moment. :)
Can you do the same?
I don't think so.
Of course, I still will NEVER pon school again!!
In any case, it was good to see old friends! Mr Lattif was so mild about me skipping shcool, he said as long as my parents know it's perfectly fine. HAHA HE ROCKS RIGHT.
Regretfully I had to tell Mdm Yeo I got U for maths. Her expression was priceless, as usual :)
I know this post sounds super rushed and mundane! I'll try to edit some other time. -poofs-
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